Support to REPowerEU

Client:  European Commission Implementation period: May, 2022 – April, 2023 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Energy Policy Regulation and Markets Experts:  Onne Hoogland, Koen Rademaekers, Maja Lardot, Jessica Yearwood Travezán The aim was to…

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Study for methodological framework and assessment of potential financial risks associated with biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation

Client:  DG Environment (ENV) (European Commission) Implementation period: December, 2022 – January, 2024 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  , Sustainable finance Topic:  Nature and Biodiversity, EU Sustainable Finance, Greening Financial Systems Experts:  Maha Cziesielski, Graeme Nicholls,…

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Studie over de prioritaire gebruikers van de Belgische veiligheidsvoorraden petroleum en petroleumproducten in het geval van een aardolie bevoorradingscrisis (NL) – Study on oil priority users

Client:  Belgian Federal Public Service (FPS) – Economy Implementation period: June, 2022 – January, 2023 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Belgium Theme:  Energy Topic:  Energy Policy, Energy Policy Regulation and Markets Experts:  Luc van Nuffel, Louise Aeby Studie over…

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Moving towards Zero-Emission Steel: Technologies Available, Prospects, Timeline and Costs

Client:  European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) Implementation period: July, 2021 – October, 2022 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Circular Economy Topic:  Sustainable Production & Consumption, Energy innovation & supply chain Experts:  Liliana…

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Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the Dutch and Flemish agriculture sector

Client:  Flemish Energy & Climate Agency (VEKA) Implementation period: June, 2021 – October, 2021 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Belgium Theme:  Climate Change, Energy Topic:  Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change Policy and Strategy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Policy, Renewable Energy…

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Impact of carbon border adjustments on the energy system

Client:  DG Energy (ENER) (European Commission) Implementation period: July, 2020 – December, 2021 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Climate Change, Energy Topic:  Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change Policy and Strategy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Markets, Energy Policy,…

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Assessment of the potential of sustainable fuels in transport

Client:  European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) Implementation period: May, 2022 – October, 2022 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Climate Change, Energy, Sustainable finance Topic:  Emission Reduction Pathways, Renewable and Low-carbon Energy, EU Sustainable…

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Analyse overgang sturen op CO2 – Impact of greenhouse gas emissions reduction-based targets on the investment landscape for renewable transport fuels in the Netherlands

Client:  Dutch Enterprise Agency (RVO) Implementation period: November, 2021 – February, 2022 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Energy Policy Regulation and Markets, Renewable and Low-carbon Energy Experts:  Tycho Smit, Onne Hoogland Analyse overgang sturen…

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RES policy development and implementation: delivering on an increased ambition through energy system integration (RED II revision Impact Assessment)

Client:  DG Energy (ENER) (European Commission) Implementation period: September, 2020 – August, 2022 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Europe, European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Renewable and Low-carbon Energy Experts:  Koen Rademaekers, Andrea Demurtas, Frank Gérard, Onne Hoogland, Perla C.…

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The role of Energy Taxation and Prices for the Clean Energy Transition in the Context of Sector Integration and Carbon Border Mechanisms: Energy System Modelling and Future Scenarios

Client:  DG Energy (ENER) (European Commission) Implementation period: July, 2020 – April, 2022 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Europe, European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Energy Policy, Energy Policy Regulation and Markets Experts:  João Gorenstein Dedecca, Peter Lemoine, Koen Rademaekers,…

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Vademecum and conferences: Funding and Financing the Environment under the 2021-2027 MFF and Next Generation EU

Client:  DG Environment (ENV) (European Commission) Implementation period: December, 2021 – June, 2023 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: Europe, European Union Theme:  Environment Topic:  Air Quality, Nature and Biodiversity, Nature-based Solutions, Sustainable Trade, Water Experts:  Corina Haita-Falah, Graeme Nicholls,…

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Impact Assessment Dutch Tax Plan 2023

Client:  Dutch Ministry of Finance (FIN) Implementation period: May, 2022 – September, 2022 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Europe, European Union Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Energy Policy Experts:  Joris Moerenhout, Nora Cheikh, Henjo Jagtenberg, Long Lam, Onne Hoogland, Hans…

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Promotion of Hydrogen Value Chain and Open-access Network for Flanders

Client:  DG Structural Reform Support (REFORM) (European Commission) Implementation period: January, 2022 – May, 2023 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Belgium Theme:  Energy Topic:  Energy Infrastructure & Systems, Energy innovation & supply chain, Renewable and Low-carbon Energy Experts:  Luc…

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Developing Finland’s Sustainable Finance Ecosystems

Client:  DG Structural Reform Support (REFORM) (European Commission) Implementation period: July, 2020 – June, 2022 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Finland, Global Theme:  Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Sustainable finance Topic:  Emission Reduction Pathways, Renewable and Low-carbon Energy, Nature and…

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Support for an ex-ante impact assessment of the post-2020 (LIFE) financial instrument for environment and climate

Client:  DG Environment (ENV) (European Commission) Implementation period: July, 2018 – December, 2019 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Circular Economy, Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Sustainable finance Topic:  Green Growth, Climate Co-Benefits, Renewable and Low-carbon Energy, Nature-based…

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Ecosystem restoration and establishment of green infrastructure to support commitments of the European Green Deal

Client:  European Environment Agency (EEA) Implementation period: July, 2020 – September, 2020 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Environment Topic:  Biodiversity and Natural Capital, Environment Policy Experts:  Kym Whiteoak, Graeme Nicholls, Lisa Korteweg How can ecosystems be…

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Developing Finland’s Sustainable Finance Ecosystems

Client:  EC – DG Structural Reform Support (REFORM) Implementation period: July, 2020 – June, 2022 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Finland, Global Theme:  Circular Economy, Climate Change Topic:  Adaptation and Resilience, Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change Policy and Strategy,…

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Structuring and summarising of the responses of the public feedback on the draft technical screening criteria and draft recommendations prepared by the Platform on Sustainable Finance

Client:  EC – DG Environment Implementation period: July, 2021 – October, 2021 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Sustainable finance Topic:  EU Sustainable Finance Experts:  Jeroen Oomkens, Jeroen van der Laan, Marwa Mahmoud, Tatiana Cuervo Blanco, Vegard…

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Review of the effectiveness of the Natura 2000 network

Client:  European Environment Agency (EEA) Implementation period: September, 2019 – June, 2020 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Environment Topic:  Environmental Economics and Policies, Nature and Biodiversity, Nature-based Solutions Experts:  Kym Whiteoak, Graeme Nicholls Protected areas have…

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Impact Assessment study to assess unbundling of the selling of mobile phones and other portable devices from their chargers (de-coupling)

Client:  DG GROW Implementation period: October, 2020 – September, 2021 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  , Environment Topic:  Sustainable Production & Consumption Experts:  Matthew Smith, Tatiana Cuervo Blanco Study supports new policy proposals on unbundling chargers…

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Design review of subsidy instrument to stimulate renewable electricity on land after 2025 (Overgangsregeling SDE++)

Client:  Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (EZK) Implementation period: February, 2022 – May, 2022 (Completed) Geographic coverage: The Netherlands Theme:  Energy Topic:  Energy Policy Regulation and Markets, Renewable and Low-carbon Energy Experts:  Onne Hoogland,…

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Impact of carbon border adjustments on the energy system

Client:  DG ENER Implementation period: July, 2020 – December, 2021 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Climate Change, Energy Topic:  Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change Policy and Strategy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Markets, Energy Policy, Renewable Energy Experts: …

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Assessment of access-to-finance conditions for innovative nature-based solutions in the European Union

Client:  European Investment Bank Implementation period: October, 2021 – March, 2022 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union, Associated Countries under the EU’s Horizon Europe programme, including the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland Theme:  Climate Change, Environment Topic:  Adaptation…

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Support for the preparation of the LIFE programme 2021-2027

Client:  EC DG Environment Implementation period: January, 2020 – October, 2020 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Circular Economy, Climate Change, Energy, Environment, Sustainable finance Topic:  Green Growth, Adaptation and Resilience, Energy Efficiency, Nature and Biodiversity, EU…

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Service contract on future of EU environment policy (8th EAP)

Client:  EC DG Environment Implementation period: July, 2019 – June, 2021 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Circular Economy, Climate Change, Environment, Sustainable finance Topic:  Green Growth, Climate Agreements and Policies, Environmental Economics and Policies, EU Sustainable…

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Emission reduction within the industrial sector of Noord-Brabant

Client:  Province of Noord-Brabant Implementation period: October, 2021 – February, 2022 (Completed) Geographic coverage: The Netherlands Theme:  Climate Change, Energy Topic:  Climate Agreements and Policies, Emission Reduction Pathways, Renewable and Low-carbon Energy Experts:  Henjo Jagtenberg, Joris Moerenhout,…

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Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the Dutch and Flemish agriculture sector

Client:  Flemish Energy & Climate Agency (VEKA) Implementation period: August, 2021 – November, 2021 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Belgium Theme:  Climate Change, Energy Topic:  Emission Reduction Pathways, Energy Policy Regulation and Markets, Renewable and Low-carbon Energy Experts:  Onne…

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The role of energy taxation and prices for the clean energy transition in the context of sector integration and carbon border mechanisms: Energy system modelling and future scenarios, Lot 1 and Lot 2

Client:  EC – DG Energy (ENER) Implementation period: July, 2020 – December, 2021 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Energy Policy Regulation and Markets Experts:  João Gorenstein Dedecca The main objective of this study is…

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Support to preparing the European Forest Ecosystems Report II

Client:  European Environment Agency (EEA) Implementation period: July, 2021 – December, 2021 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Circular Economy, Climate Change, Energy, Environment Topic:  Green Growth, Sustainable Production & Consumption, Adaptation and Resilience, Renewable Energy, Nature…

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Technical support for RES policy development and implementation: delivering on an increased ambition through energy system integration (RED II revision Impact Assessment)

Client:  European Commission, DG ENERGY Implementation period: September, 2020 – June, 2021 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Energy Efficiency, Energy Policy, Renewable Energy Experts:  Andrea Demurtas, Koen Rademaekers, Frank Gérard, Onne Hoogland, Perla C.…

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Circular Economy Indicators

Client:  European Environment Agency Implementation period: June, 2021 – February, 2022 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Circular Economy, Environment Topic:  Resource Efficiency Experts:  Rob Williams, Koen Rademaekers, Foivos Petsinaris, Josefine Koehler, Oana Forestier, Laurent Zibell, Matthew…

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Green Skills Roadmap Flanders

Client:  EC – DG REFORM Implementation period: December, 2021 – June, 2023 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: Belgium Theme:  Environment Topic:  Environment Policy Experts:  Koen Rademaekers, Tessa Zell, Rob Williams, Pavla Cihlarova, Irati Artola, Frank Gérard, Matthew Smith What…

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ACER budget and staffing

Client:  EP – ITRE committee Implementation period: April, 2020 – September, 2020 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Experts:  Luc van Nuffel, João Gorenstein Dedecca Budget and Staffing for the Cooperation of European Regulators ACER,…

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Limits of Recycling 2020

Client:  European Environment Agency Implementation period: September, 2019 – March, 2020 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Environment Topic:  Experts:  Rob Williams, Graeme Nicholls, Andreea Beznea, Irati Artola How high can recycling targets fly? In light of…

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Rate of Return for Renewable Energy Investors

Client:  Vlaamse Energieagentschap (VEA) Implementation period: December, 2019 – February, 2020 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Belgium Theme:  Energy Topic:  Experts:  Onne Hoogland, Luc van Nuffel What is an appropriate rate of return for renewable energy investors? The Flemish…

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Assessment of National Capacities for implementing climate adaptation & mitigation measures and development of a National Capacity Development Program for the Palestinian Authority

Client:  United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Implementation period: July, 2014 – April, 2015 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Palestine Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Adaptation and Resilience, Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Finance Experts:  Hans Bolscher, Jeroen van der Laan What…

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Development of a MRV system to support the implementation of NDC’s to the UNFCCC for Barbados and St Vincent and the Grenadines

Client:  United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Implementation period: September, 2016 – March, 2017 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Caribbean Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change Policy and Strategy, Climate Finance Experts:  Jeroen van der Laan How…

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Technical assistance to the NER300

Client:  European Commission – DG Climate Action Implementation period: December, 2014 – June, 2019 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Experts:  Jessica Yearwood Travezán, Koen Rademaekers Providing technical assistance for the implementation of the…

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Centre of Expertise on Resources

Client:  Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (IenM) Implementation period: May, 2015 – April, 2016 (Completed) Geographic coverage: The Netherlands Theme:  Environment Topic:  Experts:  Katarina Svatikova, Hans Bolscher What strategic opportunities exist in the Netherlands that…

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Ex-ante impact assessment of the post-2020 financial instrument for environment and climate (LIFE)

Client:  European Commission – DG Climate Action/DG Environment Implementation period: January, 2018 – May, 2018 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Climate Change, Environment Topic:  Experts:  Rob Williams, Katarina Svatikova, Federica Gerber, Foivos Petsinaris What will the…

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Future energy indicators for the European Environment Agency

Client:  European Environment Agency (EEA) Implementation period: May, 2018 – December, 2018 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: Europe Theme:  Energy Topic:  Experts:  Rob Williams, Jessica Yearwood Travezán, Elske Veenstra What indicators best measure progress towards the EU’s energy objectives?…

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Workshop national strategies for renewables

Client:  European Parliament – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) Implementation period: January, 2018 – March, 2018 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Experts:  Luc van Nuffel, Jessica Yearwood Travezán, Koen Rademaekers How do…

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Energy and the MFF

Client:  European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) Implementation period: January, 2017 – January, 2018 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Energy Policy Regulation and Markets Experts:  Rob Williams, Lisa Eichler, Niclas Gottmann…

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Mercury in Europe’s environment

Client:  European Environment Agency (EEA) Implementation period: October, 2017 – March, 2018 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Europe Theme:  Environment Topic:  Experts:  Jurgen Vermeulen, Tycho Smit Assessing the levels of mercury pollution in Europe and directions for improvement Mercury…

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Study on energy technology dependence

Client:  DG Research & Innovation (RTD) (European Commission) Implementation period: January, 2017 – December, 2018 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Energy Policy Regulation and Markets Experts:  Koen Rademaekers, Onne Hoogland, Perla C. Torres Vega,…

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Evaluation of the TEN-E Regulation

Client:  DG Energy (ENER) (European Commission) Implementation period: December, 2016 – November, 2017 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Experts:  Jessica Yearwood Travezán, Rob Williams, Luc van Nuffel, Carmen van den Berg A thorough review…

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Climate finance for the ENPI South region

Client:  WS Atkins International Limited Implementation period: February, 2016 – September, 2016 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Climate Finance Experts:  Elske Veenstra Handbook on accessing climate…

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Promoting private sector actions in the fight against climate change in Belgium and abroad

Client:  Belgian Federal Public Service (FPS) – Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment Implementation period: January, 2015 – December, 2016 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Belgium, Global Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  EU Sustainable Finance Experts:  Hans Bolscher, Elske Veenstra,…

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Review of the CCS Directive

Client:  DG Climate Action (CLIMA) (European Commission) Implementation period: January, 2014 – December, 2014 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Emission Reduction Pathways Experts:  Stephan Slingerland, Hans Bolscher, Rob Williams, Koen Rademaekers, Jessica Yearwood…

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Energy Efficient Products Facility

Client:  European Commission – Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) Implementation period: January, 2013 – December, 2016 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Experts:  Koen Rademaekers, Jessica Yearwood Travezán Providing reliable information on…

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Assessing the implications of climate change adaptation on employment in the EU

Client:  DG Climate Action (CLIMA) (European Commission) Implementation period: January, 2013 – December, 2014 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Climate Change, Environment Topic:  Adaptation and Resilience, Climate Co-Benefits Experts:  Koen Rademaekers, Rob Williams, Katarina Svatikova, Jessica…

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Local investment options in Energy Efficiency

Client:  European Commission – DG Energy Implementation period: January, 2011 – December, 2012 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Experts:  Koen Rademaekers, Rob Williams, Katarina Svatikova, Jessica Yearwood Travezán Identifying best practices for local investment…

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Selecting Indicators to Measure Energy Poverty

Client:  European Commission – DG Energy Implementation period: January, 2015 – December, 2016 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union, Italy, Slovakia, Spain Theme:  Energy Topic:  Experts:  Koen Rademaekers, Jessica Yearwood Travezán How can the multi-dimensional concept of Energy…

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Public-Private Partnerships and inclusive green growth

Client:  Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) Implementation period: January, 2014 – December, 2015 (Completed) Geographic coverage: The Netherlands Theme:  Environment Topic:  Experts:  Elske Veenstra, Stephan Slingerland Can Public-Private Partnerships contribute to inclusive green growth? Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)…

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The green growth debate

Client:  Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (IenM) Implementation period: January, 2013 – December, 2013 (Completed) Geographic coverage: The Netherlands Theme:  Environment Topic:  Experts:  Hans Bolscher, Elske Veenstra, Stephan Slingerland, Koen Rademaekers Bringing green growth from…

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