- Client: DG Climate Action (CLIMA) (European Commission)
- Implementation period: March, 2018 - October, 2018 (Completed)
- Geographic coverage: European Union
- Theme: Climate Change
- Topic: Adaptation and Resilience
- Experts: Irati Artola, Matthew Smith
Support to finalizing the adaptation preparedness scoreboard and country fiches
In this project Trinomics supported the EC in updating 28 Member State fiches of the Adaptation Preparedness Scoreboard and providing a comparative analysis of the assessments of the MS in their scoreboards.
The project involved a quality check of the existing country fiches and then update of each fiche by a dedicated national expert. The fiche was further developed in iteration rounds with the EC and responsible staff in each MS, with horizontal checks undertaken to improve consistency in the assessments across MS.
Trinomics was specifically responsible for the following MS, Czechia, Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovakia, Romania, Spain, Latvia.
The comparative assessment provided by the project compared the assessments across the MS to identify areas of strengths and gaps.
The work was carried out in partnership with Ricardo E&E, Wageningen Environmental Research (WENR), Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), and the Regional Environment Centre (REC).