- Client: European Parliament - Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE)
- Implementation period: January, 2018 - March, 2018 (Completed)
- Geographic coverage: European Union
- Theme: Energy
- Topic:
- Experts: Luc van Nuffel, Jessica Yearwood Travezán, Koen Rademaekers
How do national strategies for renewable energy sources relate to energy efficiency targets and other relevant climate and energy policies?
The EU has set a range of key climate and energy targets which are aimed to be achieved. The 2030 Climate and Energy Framework set out an EU renewable energy target of 32%. Next to the renewable target, there is also an efficiency target in place of 32.5% for the EU as a whole, as recently agreed upon following the ‘Clean Energy for All Europeans’ package. The aim of this workshop led by Trinomics was to discuss the national strategies of the EU Member States for renewables in relation to energy efficiency targets as well as policies on building renovation and self-consumption of electricity.

The workshop took place on 22 February 2018, hosted by the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) of the European Parliament. There were five presentations by high level speakers, offering a balanced picture of relevant professional views and opinions. The presentations presented and evaluated the current situation and its likely evolution, with possible policy initiatives identified to effectively address the challenges. The workshop concluded that ambitious targets for renewable energy and energy efficiency are feasible and pointed to important synergies between both policies, in particular in the building and transport sectors.
This following services were provided by Trinomics:
- Selection of the speakers;
- Organisational and logistical support for preparing the event;
- Producing pre and post workshop press-releases;
- Producing detailed Workshop Proceedings Report