What are the territorial impacts of natural hazards in Europe?

This is the question that Trinomics and our partners aimed to answer through the recently finished ESPON EU-TITAN project (“European Territorial Impacts Tackled by improved economic Appraisal of Natural Disasters”). Using innovative methodologies, the project analysed the distribution and territorial patterns of the impacts of four natural hazards that often occur in Europe, namely river floods, storms, droughts, and earthquakes. Trinomics’ work specifically focused on…

Circular Econonomy in Dutch international cooperation and trade programmes

Client:  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Implementation period: July, 2020 – February, 2021 (Completed) Geographic coverage: The Netherlands Theme:  Circular Economy, Energy, Environment Topic:  Experts:  Koen Rademaekers, Tycho Smit How does and can the Dutch international cooperation and trade programs contribute to the shift to circular economy? In the Dutch policy context, there are large…

Trinomics and partners kick-off the Energy Transition Expertise Centre

The European Commission launched a project to support the innovation analysis required for the European energy transition.   In an effort to achieve net carbon neutrality by 2050, Europe needs to undergo major transformations in the energy system, increase the energy efficiency and also the share of renewables in energy supply. These changes will require innovations in existing energy technologies, introduction of new ones as well as the development of energy infrastructure for conventional and…

Ex-post evaluation of the implementation of Part IV of the “Trade Pillar” between the EU and and Central America

Client:  EC – DG TRADE Implementation period: January, 2021 – July, 2022 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Environment Topic:  Experts:  Kym Whiteoak, Joris Moerenhout, Lisa Korteweg What are the main environmental impacts of the Association Agreement between the EU and its Member States and Central America? The evaluation study will support the European Commission – DG…

Study on the impacts of stimulating biomethane production in Flanders

Client:  Flemish Energy & Climate Agency (VEKA) Implementation period: January, 2021 – May, 2021 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Belgium Theme:  Energy Topic:  Energy Policy Regulation and Markets, Renewable and Low-carbon Energy Experts:  Luc van Nuffel, Onne Hoogland, Tycho Smit Should the Flemish government support biomethane production? The project aims to estimate the technical and economic potential for increased…

Impacts of the Flemish coalition agreement on the fuel oil sector

Client:  Flemish Energy and Climate Agency (VEKA) Implementation period: January, 2021 – May, 2021 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: Belgium Theme:  Energy Topic:  Experts:  Luc van Nuffel, Onne Hoogland, Tycho Smit What are the impacts of the Flemish Coalition Agreement on fuel oil heating? The Flemish coalition agreement for 2019-2024 includes provisions to phase out fuel oil heating in…

Support on measures to address the risk of carbon leakage in the light of any increase in climate ambition

Client:  DG Climate Action (CLIMA) (European Commission) Implementation period: September, 2020 – May, 2021 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Carbon Pricing, Climate Agreements and Policies, Climate Co-Benefits, Emission Reduction Pathways Experts:  Hans Bolscher, Matthew Smith, Marwa Mahmoud, Joris Moerenhout Which policy options should the EU apply to mitigate carbon leakage impacts of higher…

Ex-Post Evaluation of the Risk-Sharing Finance Facility (RSFF) and the Risk-Sharing Instrument (RSI) Pilot

Client:  EC – DG RTD Implementation period: December, 2020 – October, 2021 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Experts:  Onne Hoogland Was the Risk Sharing Finance Facility successful? The project concerns an ex-post evaluation which aims to assess the overall implementation and impact of the Risk Sharing Finance Facility (RSFF), examining its implementation and the…

Improving energy system modelling tools and capacity

Client:  EC – DG REFORM Implementation period: October, 2020 – June, 2021 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: Spain Theme:  Energy Topic:  Experts:  Jessica Yearwood Travezán, João Gorenstein Dedecca Updating Spain’s modelling capacity to support the energy transition The study aims to assist the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) and other public stakeholders to…

Evaluation of Belgian international climate finance

Client:  Special Evaluation Office (SEO) of the Federal Government of Belgium Implementation period: October, 2020 – June, 2021 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: Belgium Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Experts:  Tessa Zell, Jeroen van der Laan, Rachel Lamothe Evaluation of Belgian international climate finance The Federal Government of Belgium, along with other countries listed in Annex II to the 1992…

Impact Assessment Study on the Sustainable Product Initiative (SPI)

Client:  DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW) (European Commission) Implementation period: December, 2020 – November, 2021 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Environment Topic:  Experts:  Koen Rademaekers, Matthew Smith, Rob Williams, Foivos Petsinaris, Perla C. Torres Vega, William Keeling, Tycho Smit, Lisa Korteweg, Josefine Koehler How can policy ensure that only sustainable products are sold…

Study on the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (Directive 2014/95/EU)

Client:  EC – DG FISMA Implementation period: October, 2019 – September, 2020 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Experts:  Jeroen van der Laan How has the NFRD been implemented to date? The Non-Financial Reporting Directive (Directive 2014/95/EU) was adopted in 2014. Companies under the scope of the Directive had to report for the first…

Assessment of potential carbon leakage in the 3rd and 4th phase of EU Emissions Trading System

Client:  EC – DG Climate Action Implementation period: December, 2019 – August, 2020 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Experts:  Hans Bolscher, Matthew Smith, Jeroen van der Laan, Marwa Mahmoud, Tycho Smit Assessing the potential carbon leakage risk under EU ETS Phase 3 and 4 Carbon leakage can be defined as a ‘situation that…

Mapping contribution to and initiatives for healthy oceans by the Netherlands

Client:  NL – Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BuZa) Implementation period: January, 2020 – March, 2020 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Global Theme:  Environment Topic:  Experts:  Jeroen van der Laan Assessing the Dutch public contribution to the healthy oceans debate The Netherlands has a long and rich history of working with the marine environment. The ocean and sea have been…

Support to the development of guides to a Climate Action and Environment Sustainability Tracking System for the PJ/ETD/AGRUDEV division

Client:  European Investment Bank Implementation period: October, 2020 – April, 2021 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: European Union, Global Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Resource Efficiency Experts:  Jeroen van der Laan, Jeroen Oomkens How will EIB track and monitor its ambition for CA&ES finance by 2025? The European Investment Bank (EIB)’s funding and lending practice could be a bellwether for…

Support to the definition of a Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability Tracking System

Client:  European Investment Bank (EIB) Implementation period: July, 2018 – April, 2022 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: European Union, Global Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Experts:  Jeroen van der Laan, Tessa Zell, Kym Whiteoak How will EIB track and monitor its ambition for CA&ES finance by 2025? The European Investment Bank (EIB)’s funding and lending practice could be a bellwether…

Evaluation of ICT contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation

Client:  European Investment Bank (EIB) Implementation period: October, 2019 – May, 2020 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Global Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Experts:  Jeroen van der Laan How can the ICT sector contribute to delivering on climate action? With €125 billion invested globally in Climate Action (Mitigation and Adaptation) over 2012-2018, the EIB is the largest multi-lateral provider of…

Support to the preparation of implementing and delegated acts in the climate field under the Governance Regulation

Client:  EC – DG Climate Action Implementation period: January, 2018 – December, 2019 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Experts:  Jeroen van der Laan How will the EU and its Member States report on support provided to developing countries? The European Commissions’ 2015 Communication on a Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with…

Evaluation of the Sewage Sludge Directive 86/278/EEC

Client:  EC – DG Environment Implementation period: August, 2020 – August, 2021 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Environment Topic:  Experts:  Kym Whiteoak, Foivos Petsinaris How is the Sewage Sludge Directive performing and what is the future of sludge use in Europe? Sewage sludge is rich in nutrients and therefore is used in agriculture as a fertiliser…

Study on the Review of the Market Stability Reserve

Client:  EC – DG Clima Implementation period: September, 2020 – April, 2021 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Experts:  Matthew Smith, Joris Moerenhout Is the Market Stability Reserve fit to protect the EU Emission Trading System from shocks and to put upward pressure on emission allowance prices? This project will review the performance of…

Assessing options to establish an EU-wide green label to promote the use of renewable energy

Client:  EC – DG Energy Implementation period: January, 2020 – December, 2020 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Experts:  Koen Rademaekers, Jessica Yearwood Travezán, Tycho Smit, Lisa Korteweg How would an EU-wide green label for renewables work? The main objective of this study is to provide a technical and economic analysis for a Union-wide green…

Decommissioning of offshore oil and gas installations: a technical, legal and political analysis

Client:  EC – DG Energy Implementation period: September, 2020 – March, 2021 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Experts:  Luc van Nuffel, Oana Forestier, Pavla Cihlarova What are the technical, legal and political issues related to the decommissioning of offshore oil and gas platforms, and how could these be addressed at EU level? Planning for…

Support in developing integrated nature area management in the Netherlands

Client:  Dutch Ministry of LNV Implementation period: September, 2020 – January, 2022 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: The Netherlands Theme:  Environment Topic:  Experts:  Kym Whiteoak, Irati Artola, Hans Bolscher, Jeroen Oomkens How to develop an integrated area management approach for the Netherlands? Urbanisation, sustainability, and climate adaptation are major intertwined challenges that the Netherlands faces today. The pressure on…

Support to the Preparation of Territorial Just Transition Plans in Sweden

Client:  EC – SG Structural Reform Support REFORM) Implementation period: October, 2020 – April, 2021 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: Sweden Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Experts:  Koen Rademaekers, Matthew Smith, William Keeling, Rob Williams How to decarbonise Sweden’s energy intensive industry, in a socially just manner Sweden has high ambitions regarding the transition to a fossil free society. In…

Assessing unbundling of selling of mobile phones and other portable devices from their chargers (de-coupling)

Client:  EC – DG GROW Implementation period: October, 2020 – May, 2021 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Environment Topic:  Experts:  Matthew Smith Would excluding chargers from new devices really help the environment? And what would the other impacts be on consumers and industry? The evaluation study will support the European Commission – DG GROW to assess…

Impact of carbon border adjustments on the energy system

Client:  EC – DG Energy Implementation period: July, 2020 – December, 2021 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Experts:  Matthew Smith, Marwa Mahmoud, Joris Moerenhout How can carbon border adjustment mechanisms support increased climate ambitions in the EU? In this study we analyse the impacts of a possible EU carbon border adjustment to discover how…

Trinomics now a CTCN member

Trinomics is pleased to announce that it is now an official member of the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN). “The CTCN is the operational arm of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism, hosted by the UN Environment Programme and the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)”. It aims at promoting the rapid uptake and transfer of environmentally sound technologies in the fields of climate…

Mid-term review Kenya Innovative Finance Facility for Water (KIFFWA)

Client:  NL – Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BuZa) Implementation period: March, 2020 – August, 2020 (Completed) Geographic coverage: Kenya Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Experts:  Jeroen van der Laan Scaling up viable water sector investment opportunities in Kenya The Kenya Innovative Finance Facility for Water (KIFFWA) is a co-developer of water initiatives in Kenya. It provides early stage…

Monitoring and evaluation support to the European Climate Foundation (ECF)

Client:  Children Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) Implementation period: November, 2019 – April, 2021 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Climate Change Topic:  Experts:  Rob Williams, Jeroen van der Laan, Tessa Zell, Marwa Mahmoud Supporting M&E activities for CIFF’s core funding to ECF ECF was established in 2008 as a major philanthropic initiative to help Europe foster the…

Strengthening of air quality monitoring, modelling and plans under the Ambient Air Quality Directives

Client:  EC – DG Environment Implementation period: October, 2020 – February, 2022 (Ongoing) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Environment Topic:  Experts:  Hans Bolscher, Irati Artola How can the air quality monitoring, modelling and plans be further strengthened? The aim of this project is to support the European Commission in the process to strengthen air quality monitoring, modelling…

ACER budget and staffing

Client:  EP – ITRE committee Implementation period: April, 2020 – September, 2020 (Completed) Geographic coverage: European Union Theme:  Energy Topic:  Experts:  Luc van Nuffel, João Gorenstein Dedecca Budget and Staffing for the Cooperation of European Regulators ACER, the Agency for the Cooperation of European Regulators, has suffered for several years of substantial shortages of financial and human…

Trinomics will study the environmental impacts derived from the unbundling of chargers from mobile phones and other devices

The European Commission (EC) is expected to adopt a common charger solution at EU-level in 2021. In preparation for the new initiative, Trinomics will support DG GROW to assess the economic and environmental impacts deriving from the unbundling of chargers from mobile phones and other portable devices (decoupling).    The project is a follow-up to the Impact Assessment Study on Common Chargers of Portable Devices that Trinomics carried out in…