- Client: DG Structural Reform Support (REFORM) (European Commission)
- Implementation period: August, 2022 - February, 2024 (Ongoing)
- Geographic coverage: Czech Republic
Methodology for application of the DNSH principle in Czech national context
The Commmission is supporting the Czech authorities in implementing the DNSH criteria in funding decisions with the view to advance green transition. The Office of Government is the main beneficiary, with close involvement of Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. As a result of the project, Czech authorities are capable to make reliable funding decisions that do not cause harm for the environment and are able to fast tract green transition. The project is supported by the European Union’s Technical Support Instrument.
The support provided to the Czech authorities is in three interlinked phases between 2022 and 2024:
- Identifying and understanding of existing mechanisms and guidelines for the application of DNSH in the Czech context as well as in other EU Member States.
- Creating DNSH guidelines for Czech funding authorities and funding beneficiaries and delivering capacity building and communication material on the national guidelines to the Czech authorities who provide funding.
- Providing accompanying support for implementation of the national DNSH guidelines, including organisation of seminars to raise awareness and share experiences nationally and at EU-level.
The project provides guidance to Czech authorities in implementing the “Do No Significant Harm” (DNSH) criteria and ‘climate proofing’ (CP) in funding decisions. As a result, Czech authorities will have a good understanding of how public funds are currently directed to help achieve climate and energy objectives. They will have the capability to quickly and reliably make funding decisions that accelerate the green transition and do not cause harm to the environment.