Trinomics has been awarded a service contract by the European Environment Agency to support the EEA in developing a better tool (European Energy Efficiency Index) to assess the progress towards the energy efficiency target of a 20% reduction in primary energy consumption by 2020. The objective of the tool is to:
- Compare information on progress towards energy efficiency improvements across countries;
- Allow disaggregation by measure and/or sector showing the progress towards the targets at national and EU level; and
- Provide a mechanism allowing the clear communication of complex issues concerning the EEA.
The EEA currently reports on the EU28 energy efficiency target in their annual Greenhouse Gas Trends and Projections in Europe report. However, the assessment is done at an aggregated level due to a lack of appropriate information and tools. The reporting from the Energy Efficiency Directive is considered insufficient to allow for a robust assessment of progress towards the target because the annual progress reports are very condensed and do not go much beyond data on primary and final energy consumption; data in the national energy efficiency actions plans (NEEAPs) is very heterogeneous in structure and content; and some data is not publicly available.
One of the EEA’s overall objectives is to enhance its ability to contribute to the evaluation of energy efficiency policies, by assembling, presenting and analysing data on progress towards targets. Thus, the aim of this project is to develop a tool to allow a more adequate evaluation of progress in the area of energy efficiency. As part of the assignment, Trinomics will also support in the organisation of an expert workshop in Copenhagen.
The image below shows the conceptual design for such an energy efficiency index:
For additional information do not hesitate to contact Jeroen van der Laan.