In 2017 we led the evaluation study of the Trans-European Energy Networks (TEN-E) Regulation, carried out in collaboration with Enerdata, DNV GL and Spark. The TEN-E Regulation identifies priority corridors and thematic areas of trans-European energy infrastructure and provides guidelines for the selection of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs). The European Commission has now published the study results on their website here.
The consortium was required to provide comprehensive support throughout the assessment process, gathering and presenting evidence (through literature study, public consultation, stakeholder survey as well as stakeholder interviews) that helped to evaluate the existing problems and their drivers, to identify and assess different possible policy options to address these, and to come to a view on their comparative advantages and disadvantages.
On the basis of the analysed evidence, the study concludes that the TEN-E Regulation is overall a positive initiative which has effectively improved and accelerated the selection and realisation of trans-European energy infrastructure projects. To mitigate the existing weaknesses and reinforce the positive impacts of the TEN-E Regulation, the report concludes with a few suggestions which could be further assessed. More information on the project, including the list of suggestions, can be found on the project page.