- Client: DG Energy (ENER) (European Commission)
- Implementation period: March, 2020 - September, 2020 (Completed)
- Geographic coverage: European Union
- Theme: Energy
- Topic:
- Experts: Luc van Nuffel, João Gorenstein Dedecca, Frank Gérard
Should we regulate hydrogen infrastructure and markets, and how?
The main objective of this study is to develop and assess options for a regulatory framework for dedicated hydrogen infrastructure (with a focus on networks) and for a hydrogen market design at the EU level. Starting from diverse pathways for the development hydrogen infrastructures and renewable and/or decarbonized hydrogen energy markets, the study aims to provide inputs to develop pro-active regulation at the EU level, if such is deemed necessary.
If that is the case, the study analyses the elements for a coherent hydrogen regulatory framework and market design. It builds on the existing regulatory framework for natural gas infrastructure, on the barriers and mitigation measures encountered in markets such as natural gas and electricity, as well as on new approaches. These inputs are used in an impact assessment to determine the most appropriate regulatory framework and market design for hydrogen.
The project is led by Trinomics in collaboration with LBST. The project will run from March to September 2020.
This investigation provided the following preliminary results:
- Describe possible pathways for the development of a dedicated hydrogen network within the EU;
- Assess elements for hydrogen infrastructure regulation and market design;
- Select and assess options for a EU regulatory framework for hydrogen infrastructure and markets.