- Client: EC - DG Energy
- Implementation period: January, 2020 - December, 2020 (Ongoing)
- Geographic coverage: European Union
- Theme: Energy
- Topic:
- Experts: Koen Rademaekers, Jessica Yearwood Travezán, Tycho Smit, Lisa Korteweg
How would an EU-wide green label for renewables work?
The main objective of this study is to provide a technical and economic analysis for a Union-wide green label with a view to promoting the use of renewable energy coming from new installations. This analysis will be used by the European Commission to elaborate the report required under Art. 19(13) of the recast Renewable Energy Directive.
The project is conducted by Trinomics in collaboration with Öko-Institut and Ludwig Bölkow Systemtechnik (LBST). The project will run from January 2020 and will finish by December 2020.

This investigation provided the following preliminary results:
- A mapping of the existing green energy labels, including award and verification criteria, their governance and current level of usage;
- An analysis of the impacts of the existing green energy labels, in terms of enhanced consumer information, market signals to RES investors and functioning of the internal energy market;
- A detailed analysis on the suitability of the EU Ecolabel to be the Union-wide green label;
- Developing and proposing options for establishing a Union-wide green label, including the associated award criteria, issuing and verification processes, market uptake and governance;
- Presenting a detailed impact assessment for the 3 most relevant Union-wide label options and comparing them to a baseline (‘business- as-usual’ scenario).