- Client: DG Environment
- Implementation period: December, 2019 - April, 2021 (Completed)
- Geographic coverage: Global
- Theme: Environment
- Topic:
- Experts: Joris Moerenhout, Kym Whiteoak, Pavla Cihlarova
How to better assess the impacts of trade agreements on biodiversity and ecosystems?
In this project, in which Trinomics teamed up with the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), and UNEP’s World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC), the project team developed a methodology to assess the biodiversity impacts of trade agreements (not for trade as such) for DG environment. The project resulted in a handbook which can be used in trade sustainability impact assessments and evaluations for DG Trade. At this moment, the methodology is being used in two evaluations for DG Trade.Trinomics was responsible for the methodology design and to bridge the gap between theory and practise, with the objective to make the methodology implementable so that it can generate direct added value.
More information on the methodology can be found here and the handbook can be downloaded here.