Trinomics, in collaboration with CE Delft (lead), has been awarded an important contract by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs to evaluate the performance and future directions of the Dutch ‘Topsector Energy’ (TSE). Since 2011, the Dutch ‘Topsector Energy’ coordinates public research and innovation in the field of energy. So far, more than 130 projects have been initiated which are clustered into seven ‘Top Knowledge Institutes’ (TKIs).
The evaluation will assess to what extent claimed interim results of the TSE as a whole and the TKIs in particular can be substantiated. It will also examine to what extent the TSE approach still fits with recent external energy developments on a global, European and Dutch level, and to what extent it fits with the overall economic comparative advantages of the Netherlands.
If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to contact Jeroen van der Laan.