- Client: European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE)
- Implementation period: June, 2021 - April, 2022 (Completed)
- Geographic coverage: European Union
- Theme: Energy
- Topic: Energy Efficiency, Energy Infrastructure & Systems, Energy Policy, Energy Policy Regulation and Markets, Renewable and Low-carbon Energy
- Experts: Peter Lemoine, Frank Gérard, Nora Cheikh, Ondřej Černý, Marwa Mahmoud
This study provided a gap analysis of EU policies aimed at:
– Increasing energy efficiency in industry,
– Increasing the ability of the electricity grid to absorb large increases in renewables,
– Expanding the energy efficiency potential of the Renovation Wave.
There are links to the proposed Fit for 55 package for all three topics.
Please find the complete report here