- Client: International Labour Organisation
- Implementation period: May, 2022 - July, 2022 (Completed)
- Geographic coverage: Global
- Theme: Environment
- Topic: Nature-based Solutions
- Experts: Kym Whiteoak, Maja Lardot
Global Report Decent Work in Nature-based Solutions: Chapters 4 and 5: Background research for Estimations of Employment in NbS
ILO, UNEP and IUCN are co-leading the publication of a global bi-annual report series on decent jobs and work in Nature-based Solutions. This bi-annual report addresses the knowledge gap of how investments in NbS can create decent work in support of a Just Transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all. In this project a literature research was conducted on NbS which will serve as inputs for 4 and 5 of the abovementioned report. Chapter 4 will focus on current employment in NbS, and Chapter 5 will focus on future/potential employment in NbS.
Key findings were gathered from literature on the following topics:
• Key employment related parameters: labour intensity, employment multipliers, labour productivity and physical productivity of NbS
• Qualitative dimensions of employment currently generated in NbS: type of work, quality, decent work dimensions
• Estimations of current employment, including any underlying assumptions regarding both the scale of NbS activities and employment related parameters used to do estimations, as well as methods used
• Estimations of future employment, including any underlying assumptions regarding both the scale of projected NbS activities (in particular related to established scenarios (for example and IPCCC scenarios) or commitments (for example restoration commitments made under the CBD or UNCCD)
• Employment related parameters used to do estimations