- Client: European Commission - DG Energy
- Implementation period: September, 2016 - July, 2018 (Completed)
- Geographic coverage: European Union
- Theme: Energy
- Topic:
- Experts: Onne Hoogland, Koen Rademaekers, Perla C. Torres Vega, Joris Moerenhout
How can we improve the investment community for innovative energy technologies?
Research, innovation and competitiveness are pivotal to accelerate the EU energy transformation and reduce the cost of the energy transition. To help bringing innovative energy technology solutions to the market, the overall objective of this project was to increase the volume of investment in innovative clean energy technologies by developing investment partnerships (i.e. the investment community). The project has supported the European Commission and the private stakeholders to develop practices that facilitate innovators and investors which help to find each other more quickly, communicate more easily, and develop their projects with success.

The main outcomes of the project were:
- A portfolio of 27 innovative energy projects, which was brought to the attention of relevant investors
- Two match-making events,organised for 25 innovators and 12 investors
- 30+ investor/innovator contacts have been established through the events and supporting communications
- A handbook with guidance for innovators on how to succeed in securing a sustainable stream of finance (available on website)
- Two study reports identifying the main issues for clean energy investments and providing recommendations to the European Commission for addressing these (available on website)
The deliverables are available at the website of the European Commission. This project has been delivered by Trinomics, London Economics, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, adelphi and Climatekos.