In the ‘Topsector Energie’ Programme of the Dutch Government, public research institutions and private companies are cooperating in energy innovation. The programme is co-funded by the government and the participating private partners. So far, more than 130 projects have been initiated which are clustered into 7 innovation areas or ‘Top Knowledge Institutes’ (TKIs). In the evaluation, carried out together with CE Delft, it was examined to what extent claimed interim results of the TSE as a whole and the TKIs in particular can be substantiated. It was also examined to what extent the TSE approach still fits with recent external energy developments on a global, European and Dutch level, and to what extent it fits with the overall economic comparative advantages of the Netherlands. Main findings were that projects are generally in line with the competitive strengths of the Netherlands. However, they lack coordination – which could be provided by a clear overarching vision on the role of energy innovation in the overall transition of the Netherlands towards a post-domestic-gas society. Also, a clearer division between innovation projects that can deliver CO2 reduction and employment on the short term and more fundamental innovation projects for the longer term could help give more clarity to participants and the outside world in what the Topsector actually stands for.
The two reports and the management summary are available for download (in dutch) at the Topsector Energie website and below.
for more information please contact Stephan Slingerland.