Trinomics led a study for DG CLIMA (together with TNO and Ricardo-AEA) on the impacts of climate change adaptation on employment and skills in the EU. The final report can be downloaded here.
This study feeds into the EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change (2013) by defining the interactions between climate change adaptation and employment and skills, assessing quantitatively (per Member State) the sectors in which adaptation-related jobs are being created, identifying the potential losers from climate change adaptation action in the EU in the different economic sectors and why this might be the case, providing a detailed and disaggregated review of the necessary skills to pursue adaptation activities in the EU – this includes identifying the needed skills in the sector and assessing to what extent there are manpower bottlenecks with respect to these skills, and what strategies would help to address them.
As part of the future mainstreaming of climate change adaptation in EU policies, the results of this study also identified EU employment and social policies which could promote the transition to a climate resilient EU economy, including the provision of adequate skills.