- Client: DG Energy (ENER) (European Commission)
- Implementation period: December, 2019 - June, 2021 (Completed)
- Geographic coverage: Europe, European Union
- Theme: Energy
- Topic: Renewable and Low-carbon Energy
- Experts: Matthew Smith, João Gorenstein Dedecca
The Broader Approach is an important cooperation mechanism between the EU (Euratom) and Japan in the field of nuclear fusion. Broader Approach activities comprise joint nuclear fusion research projects, primarily based in Japan, which support the development of fusion energy and contribute to the development of ITER, the international fusion tokamak being built in France. These comprise a upgraded tokamak reactor JT60-SA, the IFMIF-EVEDA project to develop a neutron source to support fusion materials testing and the IFERC project which focused on a variety of design, simulation, computation and other fusion relevant research topics.
Trinomics led this study to identify and analyse the scientific and technical achievements of the Broader Approach (BA). The Broader Approach provided important benefits for the participants and contributors. The study focused on historical and expected impacts of the existing BA up to 2025 and also conducted a forward looking analysis of potential future evolutions of the programme in a time frame up to 2035. The study explored the scientific, economic, political, and organisational impacts of the Broader Approach agreement within the EU and especially within Member States which have voluntarily contributed funding to the project – i.e., Belgium, Germany, Spain, France and Italy. A series of stakeholder interviews were carried out and complemented by surveys and bibliometric analysis.
The results of the study informed the future of BA.