Trinomics staff members Hans Bolscher and Jeroen van der Laan contributed to a publication in the latest number of the Climate Policy Journal. The article called ” Developing a sectoral new market mechanism: insights from theoretical analysis and country showcases identifies available options for possible elements of New Market Mechanisms and reviews these options against a number of criteria, including environmental effectiveness, economic efficiency, political and administrative efficiency. In addition, the article analyses the potential application of the NMM for five country-sector combinations assessing the emission reduction potential that could be mobilized through the NMM as well as the institutional market readiness of the sectors. Finally, the article synthesizes the challenges ahead for the NMM and suggests possible ways forward.
The article was written in collaboration with staff from the Wuppertal Institute, Climate Focus and ECN and can be found here: ‘Developing a sectoral new market mechanism: insights from theoretical analysis and country showcases’