Trinomics (together with Milieu Ltd.) has finalised a study for the European Parliament, STOA Committee on deep seabed exploration and exploitation activities. This report provides a state-of-play overview on exploring and exploiting deep-sea resources. This includes looking at on-going activities in the field of deep sea mining of minerals as well as bioprospecting of marine genetic resources. Further, technical, legal, economic and environmental/ societal aspects are analysed, with a specific attention to impacts for the EU. A Cost-Benefit Analysis identifies the main potentials and challenges in a scenario where exploitation increases. Policy options are suggested to balance trade-offs between economic, social and environmental aspects associated with future developments.
The study is available from STOA website. The options brief (a 4-page summary of policy options) can be downloaded here and the Layman’s summary can be downloaded from here.
Trinomics has also presented the findings of the study at the STOA Panel meeting on 12 February 2015. The presentation can be seen here.
For additional information do not hesitate to contact Katarina Svatikova.