- Client: European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)
- Implementation period: December, 2021 - December, 2022 (Completed)
- Geographic coverage: Europe, European Union
- Theme: Energy
- Topic: Energy Infrastructure & Systems
- Experts: Luc van Nuffel
Report on Future Regulatory Decisions on Natural Gas Networks: Repurposing, Decommissioning and Reinvestments
This project addresses the potential regulatory gaps that are foreseeable in the adaptation of natural gas networks towards a climate neutral system. The key objective is therefore to perform a study of the regulatory aspects involved in the decisions that National Regulatory Agencies (NRAs) will be facing in the future. The regulatory aspects that will be at the centre of this study focus around three main topics:
1) Repurposing
2) Decommissioning
3) Reinvestments and asset life extensions
The project is implemented by DNV throughout 2022, with quality assurance by Trinomics