- Client: EC - DG TRADE
- Implementation period: January, 2019 - December, 2019 (Completed)
- Geographic coverage: Global
- Theme: Environment
- Topic:
- Experts: Jurgen Vermeulen, Kym Whiteoak, Laura Baroni, Joris Moerenhout, Niclas Gottmann
How (environmentally) sustainable are potential FTAs between the EU and Australia/New Zealand?
After receiving final authorisation from the European Council in June 2018, External Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström officially launched negotiations for FTAs between the EU and Australia, and the EU and New Zealand. A Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) was requested for each negotiation table shortly after. The SIA is a DG TRADE-specific tool for supporting major trade negotiations. It provides the Commission with an in-depth analysis of the potential economic, social, human rights, and environmental impacts of ongoing trade negotiations.
Trinomics has teamed up with Trade Impact B.V., BKP Economic Advisors, and Global Sustainability Futures Ltd. to implement both SIAs, in which it is our responsibility to assess the environmental impact of the potential FTAs. We will specifically study the impact of the FTAs on climate change, air quality, land use & soil quality, water quality & quantity, waste & waste management, and biodiversity & ecosystems. For this we will utilize both quantitative and qualitative research techniques. Outputs from all tasks will be informed and refined by intensive stakeholder involvement (survey and targeted, semi-structured interviews).

In particular we will:
- Conduct a quantitative impact assessment of the potential free trade agreements focused on airborne emissions such as greenhouse gases (GHG) and particulate matter;
- Conduct a qualitative impact assessment of the potential free trade agreements through 2 carefully selected case studies (1 per partner country);
- Provide the environmental impact assessment for selected in-depth economic sector analyses.