- Client: Horizon 2020 project
- Implementation period: January, 2017 - December, 2022 (Ongoing)
- Geographic coverage: France, Italy, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom
- Theme: Environment
- Topic:
- Experts: Lisa Eichler, Laura Baroni, Jurgen Vermeulen, Graeme Nicholls, Foivos Petsinaris, Kym Whiteoak
A partnership for greener cities to increase liveability, sustainability and business opportunities
GrowGreen aims to create climate and water resilient, healthy and liveable cities by investing in nature-based solutions (NBS). The GrowGreen partnership will give space to nature in urban planning and development by joining forces with cities and experts in Europe and around the world, to implement solutions that deliver social, environmental and economic benefits. The effective use of green will contribute to health, reduce climate impacts, and create an attractive environment for citizens, visitors and investment.

The key objectives of the project are to:
- Contribute to the evidence base of nature-based solutions in cities for cost-effective, replicable means of increasing urban climate and water resilience, social, environmental and economic benefits, to underpin the development of NBS policies and the global NBS market;
- Develop an easy-to-use replicable approach to support the development and implementation of NBS strategies in cities, aligned with existing city priorities;
- Support the creation of the required conditions to support, drive and enable the implementation of city NBS strategies by awareness raising and capacity building in cities around the world, supporting the development of the required policy framework, business models for investment in NBS and the global market for NBS.
The project is coordinated by Manchester City Council in collaboration with six other cities (Manchester, Valencia, Wroclaw, Wuhan, Brest, Zadar and Modena), four academic institutions (University of Manchester, University of Cambridge, University of Wroclaw, University of Valencia) and nine civil society and business partners (Trinomics, Tecnalia, IUCN, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Tarrasense Association, Manchester Climate Change Agency, Bipolaire, Ouishare, and The Guinness Partnership). The project started in June 2017 and will finish by June 2022.
Trinomics leads Work Package 4 on Global market and policy development.