- Client: European Commission (EC)
- Implementation period: October, 2021 - October, 2022 (Ongoing)
- Geographic coverage: Belgium
- Theme: Sustainable finance
- Topic: EU Sustainable Finance, Greening Financial Systems
- Experts: Tatiana Cuervo Blanco
Following the launch of the new EU Strategy for Sustainable Finance, and building on a growing number of national initiatives, Belgian authorities wish to develop a federal Strategy for Sustainable Finance. Such a strategy will (i) strengthen the public sector as an investor and enabler for the alignment with the Paris Agreement, (ii) structure the existing efforts of financial actors to take into account ESG factors in their investment decisions and (iii) equip Belgian actors with adequate tools and regulatory support for upcoming European regulations (Taxonomy, CSRD, SFDR). The realization of these objectives will rely on existing initiatives, best-practices and contributions of both financial and local economic stakeholders (e.g., SMEs, self-employed, etc.).
This project includes a scoping study on policy options for the Belgian Sustainable Finance Strategy. The project will identify implementation gaps and challenges, thus ensuring the readiness of all Belgian actors to the European Sustainable Finance regulatory framework and heightening Belgian ambitions. The project will deliver a series of weighted policy options for a federal Belgian Strategy for Sustainable Finance, including regulatory and technical assistance interventions.