- Client: Province of Noord-Brabant
- Implementation period: October, 2021 - February, 2022 (Completed)
- Geographic coverage: The Netherlands
- Theme: Climate Change, Energy
- Topic: Climate Agreements and Policies, Emission Reduction Pathways, Renewable and Low-carbon Energy
- Experts: Henjo Jagtenberg, Joris Moerenhout, Hans Bolscher
As a consequence of national and European targets, the industrial sector in the province of Noord-Brabant has to reduce its emissions with 50% in 2030 and 90% in 2050 relative to 1990. Trinomics supported the Province of Noord-Brabant by gathering insights on energy use and GHG emissions within the industrial sector of Noord-Brabant. Secondly, Trinomics analyses the role that the province of Noord-Brabant plays and can play in accelerating the transition needed for achieving the 2030 and 2050 targets. To do this, we have analysed relevant provincial policy and activities as well as relevant policy on a national and European level. Based on our analysis, we have presented recommendations on which and how provincial-level (policy) instruments can be used to reduce emissions of industry in Noord-Brabant.
Our main recommendations were that the Province should focus on its role in accelerating the necessary expansion of regional electricity infrastructure. The Province could take a leading coordinating role, among others through bringing stakeholders together (e.g. DSOs and industrial companies) and collecting and sharing data on (future) industrial energy demand. Moreover, the Province could primarily play an important role supporting smaller industrial players (both ETS and non-ETS) that are less in focus of the national government.