In order to maintain and further improve the effectiveness of EU climate-development projects, DG CLIMA has asked Trinomics together with Ricardo AEA for a thorough analysis of previous projects and lessons learnt from past projects in the period 2007-2013. This required an understanding of the state of play of the aid effectiveness agenda, particularly in relation to climate-development projects, international climate-finance negotiations and the new global climate agreement. Main recommendations of the study are that mitigation projects and efforts could be better integrated into national and regional plans; adaptation efforts are more integrated but could be more scaled up. Also, funding needs to be better coordinated to avoid doubling up of efforts and make sure funding goes to areas which may otherwise be neglected. Further, more experience with innovative financing instruments should be gained if commitments to mobilise climate finance made at UN level are to be met and lessons from a variety of integration tools already implemented by donor agencies should be studied further and disseminated. Finally, recipient ownership of projects to integrate climate objectives into development cooperation should be increased.
The project produced an internal report for the European Commission’s DG CLIMA. For more information please contact Stephan Slingerland.