- Client: EC - DG Climate Action
- Implementation period: January, 2018 - December, 2019 (Completed)
- Geographic coverage: European Union
- Theme: Climate Change
- Topic:
- Experts: Jeroen van der Laan
How will the EU and its Member States report on support provided to developing countries?
The European Commissions’ 2015 Communication on a Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a forward-looking Climate Change policy outlined that the Energy Union needs an integrated monitoring and reporting process to make sure energy and climate-related actions at European, regional, national and local level all contribute to the Energy Union’s objectives. In February 2016, the European Commission adopted a legislative proposal on Energy Union Governance – the Energy Union Governance Regulation (EGR). The EGR builds on and integrates the existing requirements for planning, reporting and monitoring in the energy and climate fields under the current Climate Monitoring Mechanism Regulation (MMR), while bringing them in line with the provisions of the Paris Agreement and updating them in view of the Effort Sharing Regulation and the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Regulation. The EGR thus includes the elements necessary to track progress of the implementation of EU climate legislation as well as the EU’s international commitments under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. When formally adopted, the EGR will replace the MMR, including its implementing act that sets out more detailed requirements for how reporting under the MMR was to be done. The Commission therefore needs to adopt one or several new implementing and delegated acts based on the Governance Regulation to detail the new reporting obligations.
In this project, Trinomics together with partners assisted the Commission in the preparation of the new implementing and delegated acts under the EGR. This work included analysing which elements that needed to be included in an implementing/delegated act in light of the changes introduced by new European climate legislation and the Paris Agreement, propose options for how the different elements of these Acts could be drafted and assess the impacts of each option. Trinomics led the work on analysing the reporting obligations on climate finance and support to developing countries under Article 19(5) of the EGR.
The project included a legal analysis of the changes in reporting obligations introduced by the Paris Agreement, possibilities of aligning reporting on climate finance and support under the EGR with other international reporting processes and consultation with Member States.
The project has been conducted by Trinomics in collaboration with Oeko Institute (lead), Ricardo Energy & Environment, VITO and WUR.

This investigation provided the following preliminary results:
- Analyse reporting obligations on finance and support under the Paris Agreement;
- Explore potential synergies with other reporting streams on support at the international level;
- Consultation with Member States.