- Client: DG CLIMA
- Implementation period: March, 2021 - September, 2021 (Completed)
- Geographic coverage: European Union
- Theme: Climate Change
- Topic: Climate Agreements and Policies
- Experts: Andrea Finesso, Jeroen Oomkens, Rob Williams
“The objective of this assignment was to support the ESS in conducting a pilot review of EUROSTAT’s offering of statistics in the context of climate change following the introduction of the European Green Deal. These include statistics considered to be relevant for climate-action policy produced by the ESS or re-disseminated by EUROSTAT. As part of the review under the service request, the assignment provides conclusions on 1) Identification and evaluation of relevant European statistics, particularly those applicable to transport and energy, produced by the ESS or disseminated by EUROSTAT according to their effectiveness (i.e. relevance and coherence), quality, competitive advantage, simplification, funding, production (methods, data sources). 2) Existing gaps, duplication, overlaps, and superseded or irrelevant statistics as informed by stakeholder engagement, with a particular focus on institutional user-perspective.
These conclusions informed adaptations to the statistics and relevant characteristics to improve the relevance of the statistical offering and to reduce user costs. In addition, the experience of this pilot project supports the setting up of appropriate structures for stakeholder dialogue in the long run. “