- Client: EC - DG Energy (ENER)
- Implementation period: December, 2019 - June, 2020 (Completed)
- Geographic coverage: European Union
- Theme: Energy
- Topic: Energy Infrastructure & Systems
- Experts: João Gorenstein Dedecca
The main objective of this study is to define and test a comprehensive indicator for “sustainability” considering the Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E) regulation requirements, in close cooperation with ENTSOG. The assignment should also provide a detailed documentation of the indicator and its implementation plan. As a starting point for the indicator development, the study should assess the current ENTSOG approach. A second objective is to analyse the sustainability elements of a wide range of gas-related/infrastructure projects, as well as eligibility as a gas Project of Common Interest (PCI).
The assignment improves the consideration of the projects’ sustainability benefits in the gas PCI selection process, by upgrading the representation of emissions savings and by including the support of renewable electricity generation back-up and the facilitation of biomethane and power-to-gas transport. This should allow to address potential weaknesses of the indicator. In addition, the study identifies gaps between the current TEN-E eligibility criteria and gas-related/infrastructure projects which may contribute to the sustainability objectives of the regulation.