- Client: European Environment Agency (EEA)
- Implementation period: May, 2016 - October, 2016 (Completed)
- Geographic coverage: Europe
- Theme: Climate Change
- Topic:
- Experts: Lisa Eichler
What practical examples are there regarding financing mechanisms for urban climate adaptation?
The objective of this project was to contribute to the EEA’s work on urban adaptation, by providing practical examples of urban climate adaptation funding mechanisms. In total 10 cases were discussed in detail. The selection of cases considered to reach spread concerning: financing mechanism, type of measure, geography and sector. The project was done in collaboration with ARCADIS (project lead) and TNO.
This work fed into the development of an EEA brochure report on financing urban adaptation. The cases are also published on the Climate-ADAPT website, to enrich the knowledge-base on financing measures for urban climate change adaptation.

The 10 case studies that were developed are:
- Amsterdam (The Netherlands): Privately financed urban greening and rainwater storage
- Bilbao (Spain): Urban flood risk management financed via mixed public budget lines
- Bologna (Italy): Urban forestry combining LIFE funding and public-private-partnerships
- Bratislava (Slovakia): urban climate change resilience via EEA funding
- Ghent (Belgium): crowdfunding platform for non-profit local, innovative and sustainable initiatives by its inhabitants and/or companies
- Hamburg (Germany): Green roof programme financed by government subsidy
- Lisbon (Portugal): Urban water sector resilience via EIB funding
- Malmö (Sweden): Climate resilience of Augustenborg neighbourhood financed via a mix of public and private sources
- Paris (France): green bond for renewable, low-carbon transport, energy efficiency and climate adaptation
- Smolyan (Slovenia): Urban flood resilience via ERDF funding