Timo started working at Trinomics in April 2024. He has been part of various projects for the European Commission (DG Energy and DG Reform), the Dutch Ministry of Finance, and other international organizations. His work primarily focuses on energy markets and infrastructure, with a strong expertise in the electricity markets | Timo holds a Master's degree in Complex Systems Engineering and Management from Delft University of Technology, with a specialization in the energy domain of this curriculum. He wrote his Master's thesis about the effects of different two-sided Contract for Difference designs for offshore wind farms in the North Sea, specifically if these wind farms are placed in the Offshore Bidding Zone approach. | Before Joining Trinomics, Timo did a traineeship at the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. During his traineeship, he was part of the electricity market codes team and his work had a strong focus on the integration of the different European electricity markets.
He is a native Dutch speaker and is fluent in English
- Energy efficiency
- Energy policy, regulation and markets