Rob Williams is a senior expert on energy and the environment with over 25 years of consultancy experience. He has extensive evaluation expertise covering a wide range of regional, national and international programmes and policies in the energy, environment and circular economy sphere. In addition to his evaluation experience Rob has led a wide range of policy analysis and development studies. These have involved consideration of policy and incentive design, effectiveness and impact in terms of carbon savings, but also economic and social benefits via innovation and employment and skills generation. His European Commission evaluation experience includes energy , environmental and innovation programme level evaluations. His EU policy evaluation experience includes numerous energy, waste, pollution and circular economy Directives and policies, ranging from carbon capture and storage to waste shipment and biodiversity. He has also delivered consultancy projects for other international groups such as the EIB, Transparency International and the European Climate Foundation.
Rob has also led a number of projects involving the development and review of indicators. These have ranged from indicators on well being, to energy efficiency and energy innovation and have included work for clients such as DG Environment, The European Environment Agency and Eurostat. Rob has an MSc in Environmental Technology from Imperial College.
- Energy efficiency
- Energy innovation & supply chain
- Environmental economics & policies
- EU sustainable finance
- Green growth
- Renewable and low-carbon energy
- Sustainable production & consumption
- Waste