Irati has been consultant at Trinomics for over six years with great pleasure. Irati works mainly in projects of the environmental pillar of Trinomics covering topics ranging from air quality to the circular economy. Her work includes environmental policy (assessment) projects, programme and policy evaluations and stakeholder consultations (online surveys, interviews, workshops, focus groups etc) among others.
Currently, she is managing a DG REFORM project to develop an integrated nature area management approach for the Netherlands and contributing to two DG Environment commissioned air quality studies (one aimed at strengthening air quality monitoring, modelling and plans provisions; the other relating to the revision of the Ambient Air Quality Directives). She is also involved in a DG GROW project with the objective to facilitate the reporting of industrial symbiosis exchanges in the EU.
In the past years Irati has worked on diverse areas such as greens skills, waste, sustainability in the construction sector and green infrastructure. Notably, she also coordinated the 4-year H2020 ClairCity project aiming at improving the air quality and reducing GHG emissions in EU cities, while also actively contributing to its work package on policy and governance, and its work package on citizen engagement.
Irati is both a Spanish and Basque native speaker, and has working proficiency in English and Dutch.
- Air Quality
- Energy efficiency
- Energy policy, regulation and markets
- Environmental economics & policies
- Green growth
- Sustainable production & consumption
- Waste