Anya Al-Salem is a junior consultant at Trinomics.

Anya joined Trinomics in July 2024. She mainly works on projects related to energy efficiency and industrial decarbonisation. Examples of her recent work topics include decarbonisation challenges for the steel and cement industries and financing energy efficiency renovations in historic buildings.

Anya supports complementing supply-side climate change mitigation measures with demand-side interventions. She is convinced that addressing ecological challenges requires a fundamental restructuring of our society in line with planetary boundaries.

Anya graduated cum laude with a Master's of Science in Sustainable Development - specialising in Energy & Materials - from Utrecht University. She wrote her MSc thesis on policies for degrowth of European aviation. Anya also holds a Bachelor's of Science degree (magna cum laude) in Liberal Arts & Sciences: Global Challenges - with a major in Earth, Energy & Sustainability - from Leiden University College The Hague.

Anya is a native speaker of English and Russian.

"Through my work at Trinomics, I aim to contribute to a world that respects planetary boundaries while ensuring wellbeing for all."
  • Climate change
  • Energy
  • Energy policy, regulation and markets
  • Renewable and low-carbon energy
  • Sustainable production & consumption
  • Emission reduction pathways
  • Energy efficiency

Recent Projects