Trinomics evaluation and country fiches published by DG CLIMA as it evaluates the EU’s strategy for adaptation to climate change

Report: adapt_strat_eval_report_en (3 MB) DG Climate Action published on 12th November 2018 its evaluation of the EU strategy on adaptation to climate change – see here. This evaluation was underpinned by work carried out by Trinomics (as part of a team led by Ricardo E&E and also including IEEP and Wageningen Environmental Research). The evaluation…


Trans-European gas infrastructure in the light of the 2050 decarbonisation targets

Report: Final gas infrastructure (2 MB) The required sharp decrease in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 may drastically reduce the share of natural gas in the European energy mix. In 2018 Trinomics prepared a study for DG Energy on the role of trans-European gas infrastructure in the light of the 2050 decarbonisation…


Quest for the ‘sweet spot’ – support to the MTE of the UK’s Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP) 

The Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP) was set up by the United Kingdom government, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in December 2015 with a generous budget of £48 million and is set to run until 2020. In essence, the platform serves as a project preparation facility (PPF) seeking to get promising…


The ClairCity Skylines online game for Amsterdam has been launched.

One of the most awaited outputs of the large H2020 European project ClairCity (Citizen-led air Pollution Reduction in Cities) led by Trinomics has been launched: The ClairCity Skylines online game for Amsterdam. The game (developed by UWE Bristol) is available for Android or iOS – you can download it for free here: As player you are tasked with…


What was the impact of the TEN-E Regulation on Europe’s energy networks and the progress of trans-European energy infrastructure projects?

Report: Evaluation of the TEN-E Regulation (4 MB) In 2017 we led the evaluation study of the Trans-European Energy Networks (TEN-E) Regulation, carried out in collaboration with Enerdata, DNV GL and Spark. The TEN-E Regulation identifies priority corridors and thematic areas of trans-European energy infrastructure and provides guidelines for the selection of Projects of Common…


Our consortium is selected to do the climate finance assessments under the MMR

Our consortium is awarded with the assignment to analyse and aggregate the Member States’ information on climate finance for the European Commission (DG Climate Action) for 2017 and 2018. The consortium is led by Oeko Institute, supported by Trinomics and Ricardo-AEA. Article 16 of the EU greenhouse gas Monitoring Mechanism Regulation (MMR) requires Member States…


Study on financing clean energy innovation completed

Trinomics and its partners have completed the study ‘Building the investment community for innovative energy technology projects’ for the European Commission, DG Energy. The overall objective of this study was to contribute to increasing the volume of investment in innovative energy technology solutions by developing investment partnerships (i.e. the investment community). The realization of such…


Study reveals that the circular economy can have a positive impact on employment in the EU

Report: Impacts of circular economy on policies on the labour market (5 MB) The transition towards a circular economy has been set in motion. National policy frameworks are being developed and the European Commission adopted the Circular Economy Package in December 2015. By 2018, several actions mentioned in this package have been adopted or initiated.…


Monitoring study published on the economic development of the collaborative economy in the EU

Report: Study to monitor the economic development of the collaborative economy at sector level in the 28 EU Member States (4 MB) Collaborative economy business models are growing strongly in Europe and are changing the lives of its citizens. More and more often, we share do-it-yourself equipment with neighbours we met via a smartphone app, rent…


How to include energy finance in the current EU macroeconomic models?

In 2015, the European Commission launched a two-year project with the objective to improve the modelling of the interactions of European energy and climate policy within the real economy. This major project was led by Cambridge Econometrics and included E3Modelling and Trinomics as partners. In particular, the study aimed to extend two global energy-economy-environment models, to…


Trinomics reports on private climate finance mobilised by the Government of the Netherlands

For the third year in a row, Trinomics has supported the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the analysis and reporting on private climate finance that has been mobilised by the Netherlands. The results are now published on the website of the Government of the Netherlands. The report is one of the background documents to the Annual Report of…


Next week Trinomics participates at the high-level panel discussion concerning the 7th Environmental Action Programme

As part of the evaluation of the 7th Environmental Action Programme (7th EAP), our colleague Rob Williams (senior expert on energy and the environment) will be speaking at a conference in Vienna concerning future EU environmental policy. He will participate as a panellist in the discussion on “State of Environment and Challenges for the next…


Trinomics supports the government of El Salvador in its preparations to better access international climate finance

(For Spanish version, please scroll down) The Paris Climate Agreement saw the establishment of a new multilateral source of finance for projects directed at mitigating and adopting to climate change in developing countries: the Green Climate Fund (GCF). In the framework of the ‘GCF Readiness Programme’, formed subsequent to the fund’s creation by the United…


How well has the EU freshwater policy framework succeeded in ensuring ‘good’ freshwaters?

Last week we kicked off a new project for the European Commission (DG Environment) within the topic of environmental policy. The assignment concerns a Fitness Check (evaluation) of the various directives forming the backbone of EU Freshwater Policy, including – but not limited to – the Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive. This evaluation will result…


Improving the investment community to facilitate increased investments

The European Commission recently published the first deliverable of our study on ‘Building the investment community for innovative energy projects’. The overall objective of the study is to build/strengthen the investment community for innovative energy technologies, in order to increase the volume invested. Financing is…


National strategies for renewables: workshop report

This report summarises the presentation and discussions of the workshop on ‘National Strategies for Renewables: Energy Efficiency, Building Renovation and Self-consumption’. The workshop was held on 22 February 2018, hosted by the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) of the European Parliament. The aim…


Are Uber, Airbnb and car-sharing platforms good for the environment?

Consciously or unconsciously, the sharing economy (or collaborative economy) has provided many consumers with more and often cheaper alternatives of products and services in many sectors of the economy. During holidays we rent apartments with Airbnb, we borrow a ladder from a neighbour with Peerby, or we join a ride with a stranger to visit relatives in another city with Blablacar. Many of the collaborative economy platforms have…


The energy transition financing gap: What is the issue and how can the EU help fixing it?

Report: Energy and the MFF (3 MB)

The EU has set out to become a global leader in the fight against climate change. This is mirrored in its ambitious climate and energy targets up until 2030. By that year, GHG emissions will have to be 40% below 1990 levels, renewable energy needs to represent 27% of gross final energy consumption, and energy consumption will have to decrease by 27% in comparison to the BAU scenario. In the analytical study entitled ‘Energy and the MFF’…


Mid-term review of the implementation of the 7th Environmental Action Programme

Trinomics has in collaboration with Technopolis group at the request of the Ex-Post Evaluation Unit of the Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value, within the Directorate General for Parliamentary Research Services (DG EPRS) of the General Secretariat of the European Parliament supported the mid-term review of the…


Construction industry professionals and VET practitioners – you can now SIGN UP for the Stakeholder Workshop that will take stock of the European BUILD UP Skills initiative and debate the way forward!

What – Stakeholder Workshop during European Vocational Skills Week 2017 Topic – Taking stock of the European BUILD UP Skills initiative and looking forward Is it for you? If you are a construction industry professional, or a VET professional, or you are simply interested in energy efficiency building (skills), this workshop is for you Date…


EEA briefing ‘Releases of pollutants to the environment from Europe’s industrial sector’

The EEA has published a briefing ‘Releases of pollutants to the environment from Europe’s industrial sector’ based on the report ‘Transforming the EU power sector: avoiding a carbon lock-in‘ which was prepared with support from Trinomics. The EEA’s briefing analyses emissions from the largest industrial facilities (including power plants, petrochemical refineries and metal processing plants) which report…


Study supporting the impact assessment concerning transmission tariffs and congestion income policies

Report: Transmission tariffs and congestion income ( ) The European Commission’s DG ENER has recently published its study supporting the impact assessment concerning transmission tariffs and congestion income policies. This study, carried out by ECN, DCision! and Trinomics, examines the impact of diverging transmission tariff structures in EU member States and outlines potential policy options…


Assessing the state-of-play of climate finance tracking in Europe

Report: State-of-play of European climate finance tracking (published 6 July 2017) ( ) This Trinomics report has been prepared to underpin the European Environment Agency’s briefing on ‘Financing Europe’s low carbon, climate resilient future‘. The study report Trinomics prepared for the EEA presents the findings of a first Europe-wide stocktaking exercise to assess the current status of climate…


Access-to-Finance Conditions for Investments in Bio-Based Industries and the Blue Economy

The EIB report on  Access-to-Finance Conditions for Investments in Bio-Based Industries and the Blue Economy was published on 31 May 2017. This report is based on a study carried out by EY with the support of Trinomics. Trinomics carried out desk research, data collection and interviews with project promoters in the Blue Economy in Europe. The study…


Stakeholder workshop supporting the Fitness Check on the most relevant chemicals legislation

Report: Fitness Check workshop – draft agenda (45 KB)   As part of its Better Regulation agenda, the European Commission is conducting a Fitness Check of selected chemicals legislation (excluding REACH) as part of the REFIT programme. The evidence and data gathering for this Fitness Check is supported by a number of studies including a…


Trinomics contributes city case studies for new European Environment Agency report on ‘Financing urban adaptation to climate change’

The eleven detailed city case studies on financial models for implementing urban adaptation measures that Trinomics and its partners Arcadis and TNO have developed under a recent project for the European Environment Agency (published here) have been integrated in the new European Environment Agency report on ‘Financing urban adaptation to climate change’. This report offers…
